
The Power of People

Recruitment is a people-powered industry guided by technology, leaders, and talent. Engage is the premier recruitment industry conference to explore those cutting-edge technologies, transformative leadership techniques, and radical recruiting strategies.

Across two incredible days, you’ll hear from 50 power-house speakers and learn how to transform our industry, your business, and peoples’ lives through the power of people and technology. These expert speakers will cover everything from building trusted relationships and providing skilled talent, to the technologies enabling scalability and transforming the recruiting landscape. Together, we’ll address some of the complex challenges facing our industry and our world today like digitization and automation, the opportunity divide, talent shortages, globalization, and diversity. Join us.

Breakout Session Tracks

Tuesday 11 September

8:00 - 9:00

Registration Open & Networking Breakfast

9:00 - 09:45

General Session
Laura Kuenssberg Keynote
Location: General Session Hall: King's Suite
How does one navigate the truth in an era where the very definition of the word has become subjective? How can we, as leaders, remain maximally effective when we're dealing with strong personalities and people who think they know better than we do, be they clients or candidates? No one is better suited to help us stand up to the most stalwart of operators than Laura Kuenssberg, Political Editor for the BBC. Not only is Laura the youngest Political Editor in BBC history, she's also the first female in the role. As a journalist for one of the most storied and respected news organisations in the world, Laura is an expert in the macro trends affecting our political and economic climate today. And in standing up to world leaders in order to separate truth from fiction, she is a beacon of clarity in somewhat murky waters. Join Laura as she discusses how to speak truth to power, achieve your goals with precision, and make your leadership voice heard.

Laura Kuenssberg

BBC News

09:45 - 10:30

Networking Break

10:30 - 11:15

Breakout Sessions
Scaling with Salesforce
Location: Palace Suite
You’ve chosen your platform, the technology backbone for running your business - and it’s Salesforce. It can seem tempting to embark on an ambitious journey to build custom solutions on top of the platform, catered to your specific business needs, and while plenty of developers have done so, there is no question that this decision will have major ramifications on your immediate productivity and long-term goal achievement. Join several Salesforce platform customers who use Bullhorn’s family of Salesforce-integrated front office solutions for a frank discussion on their growth journeys with the Salesforce platform and what’s next.
Technology as a Servant: Neuroscience, Machine Learning, and the Future of Recruitment
Location: Windsor Suite
This session will focus on ways in which neuroscience can aid in improving the prediction of workplace behaviors, as well as the value, challenges, and risks of using machine learning in recruitment, and the growing importance of soft skills for the future of recruitment and workplace success.
Mergers and Acquisitions in Recruitment: Practical Considerations
Location: King's Suite
In his keynote address at last year’s conference, Bullhorn CEO Art Papas asked the question on everyone’s mind: will you grow your business organically or through acquisitions? To build or to buy? And what does it mean to be acquired? With private equity companies taking a keen interest in the global recruitment industry, an influx of funding, cheap debt, and a plethora of intelligence to be leveraged, now is an incredible time to build your business through M&A. Ryan Murphy of Bullhorn will lead a panel consisting of storied recruitment leaders and PE experts to shed light on the opportunities inherent to recruitment M&A.

11:30 - 12:15

Breakout Sessions
Reporting with Bullhorn Canvas - A 360-Degree View
Location: Palace Suite
Reporting and analytics are necessary for agency success - you cannot manage what you cannot measure. The proof is in the pudding when it comes to Ben Carter, former global head of IT at Spencer Ogden, a longtime Bullhorn customer, who saw such value from early adoption of Bullhorn Canvas that he eventually joined Bullhorn as an enterprise solutions consultant. Carter will break down the intricacies of Canvas, what custom reports can be most valuable for agencies (simple use cases, complex use cases, and integrations with other Bullhorn solutions), how to leverage the solution both from a management perspective and an individual contributor perspective, and how to take advantage of reporting to create better business workflows and revenue forecasts. Information is only valuable if you can find it easily and act on it, and Carter will provide practical, technical tips on making the most of Canvas. Whether you are a highly advanced Bullhorn user or just learning, you will glean value from this session.
More than a Warm Body: Talent Retention and Long-Term Agency Growth
Location: Windsor Suite
The continuing skills and talent deficit in the recruitment industry is constricting the progression and sustainability of recruitment organisations looking to future-proof their growth and, in turn, outperform the rest of the market. Recruitment leaders who deliver a well-considered attraction and engagement strategy that focuses on their internal talent create very compelling value propositions and gain access to the lost revenue opportunities of their competitors who struggle to attract and retain their people. Using the latest trends and data from TRN’s Employee Engagement Index, James Osborne will take an interactive deep dive into what really drives motivation and engagement across the recruitment sector and how to create an effective marriage between people, technology, and strategic positioning.
Engage, Attract, Retain: Building Candidate Relationships in a Skills Shortage
Location: King's Suite
Colin Donnery of FRS will discuss the constantly changing nature of how agencies engage, attract, and retain talent. Specifically, he will address why technological advancement in artificial intelligence and machine learning will force agencies to move from a transactional to a relationship model, and what technologies you should invest in to make that happen (but probably not until 2020). He will also discuss how to best compete with your biggest competitors for talent (your client) by doubling down on candidate engagement, attraction, and retention.

12:15- 13:15

Breakouts II

13:15 - 14:00

General Session
Art Papas Keynote
Location: General Session Hall: King's Suite
The recruitment industry is comprised of an extraordinary group of people worthy of being celebrated, but the outside perception is somewhat different. The qualifiers used to discuss the industry don’t speak to the value of what we collectively do. Our industry succeeds where society currently falls short - at building connections, maintaining empathy, facilitating trust. Engagement, what recruiters do best, is the foundation of trust, and trust is a necessity in achieving the strongest possible relationships - with customers and talent - that subsequently lead to scalability and business growth. But building trust isn’t the endgame: as an industry, we also need to deliver results and value. This starts with appreciating what we as recruitment professionals do, and to amplify our awareness to the rest of the world. Join Bullhorn CEO Art Papas for an inspirational and insightful look at where we are today as an industry, where we’re going, and why it’s so important to be human as we journey forward.

Art Papas


14:15 - 15:00

Breakout Sessions
Bullhorn for Salesforce Platform Roadmap and Vision
Location: Palace Suite
Description: Bullhorn has brought together the greatest Salesforce recruitment technologists in the industry – from Talent Rover, Jobscience, and Connexys – to aggressively advance the company’s Salesforce-integrated offerings and execute on an ambitious and full-figured roadmap that includes advancements in analytics, artificial intelligence-aided candidate engagement solutions, VMS integration, and much more. Bullhorn’s Jeff Neumann will showcase the company’s product roadmap for solutions built on the Salesforce platform.
Mythbusting Brexit
Location: Windsor Suite
As Directors in KPMG’s Brexit Team, Mark and David will share their candid and expert political analysis of Brexit and the implications for businesses operating in the UK. They will then take questions from the audience. The session promises to go beyond the abstract material covered in the media and will provoke thinking around how to prepare and what triggers to watch for in the coming months as the UK runs toward leaving the European Union and its Institutions…..or not.
Growing Customer Relationships in Post-GDPR Europe
Location: King's Suite
With the rollout of the GDPR on 25 May, recruitment companies are under increasing limitations and scrutiny in how they prospect to and engage with potential customers. With unemployment at historic lows and the skills shortage at historic highs, the need for diversification of clients is unprecedented, and firms must strike a balance between creativity and innovation in their marketing, and judiciousness in their data protection practices, in order to succeed and thrive. This panel of seasoned practitioners who have orchestrated their firms’ compliance with the GDPR will share best practices and lessons learned in making the most of building customer relationships post-legislation.

15:00 - 15:45

Breakouts III

15:45 - 16:30

Breakout Sessions
The Era of Talent Intelligence: Elevating Your Business Strategy with Data-Driven Insights
Location: King's Suite
Over the last few years, the recruitment industry has been adapting to increasingly complex challenges when it comes to attracting and placing talent. As the market becomes more and more competitive, LinkedIn believes the next wave of recruiting innovation lies in the use of data-driven insights to power talent and strategic business decisions. This is the era of talent intelligence. Rebecca Drew and Darren Connolly of LinkedIn will discuss what data-driven insights mean for the future of recruitment businesses and how to use this data to make critical strategic decisions and gain competitive advantage.
Millennials, Messaging, and Recruiting: Opportunity, or Risk?
Location: Palace Suite
The rise of messaging and social media in recruiting, particularly amongst Millennials, presents opportunities as well as risks. The good news: the many forms of messaging channels preferred by Millennials elicit rapid responses, build relationships, and speed job placements. The bad news: few if any of these conversations are captured inside of your CRM. Further, the resulting relationships are tied to your staffs’ personal smartphones – yes, the same staff that churns way too frequently. Simon Cleaver, CEO of CloudCall, will discuss the implications for recruitment and staffing, and present alternatives for finding business advantages while improving the candidate experience.
Human Side of Hiring
Location: Windsor Suite
In an increasingly automated world, we’re regularly compelled to contend with experiences that threaten to dehumanise us, and the hiring process has not escaped this trend. Join Indeed’s Recruitment Evangelist Daniel Fellows, for an in-depth look at candidates’ decision-making and behaviour at specific junctures during the hiring journey. You’ll walk away understanding how to establish a strong connection with jobseekers throughout the recruiting process and why doing so has the power to transform your talent pool.

16:45 - 17:30

General Session
Vision for Innovation
Location: General Session Hall: King's Suite
Join Matt Fischer, President and CTO, for the Bullhorn Vision for Innovation presentation, which showcases both the immediate roadmap and aspirational advancements in Bullhorn’s product lineup to help you drive better engagement, productivity, and growth. Matt will share Bullhorn’s strategic vision for helping companies continue to innovate, differentiate, and stay ahead of the competition.

Matt Fischer


17:30 - 20:00

Official Engage London Party

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Wednesday 12 September

8:00 - 9:00

Registration Open & Networking Breakfast

9:00 - 9:30

General Session
Innovation Throwdown
Location: General Session Hall: King's Suite
Prepare yourself for Innovation Throwdown! This energetic session is a competition between the finalists from Bullhorn’s Innovation Week, when programmers dedicate themselves to bringing their most creative and inventive product enhancements to life without constraints or limitations. See the cutting-edge features first-hand and vote to turn your favourite into a reality.

Josh Godi


Brian Kimball


Amir Kurtovic


Tanvi Gadre


Tim Arnold


9:30 - 10:00

General Session
Bullseye Awards Ceremony
Location: General Session Hall: King's Suite
Bullhorn and The Global Recruiter are proud to bring the first-ever International Bullseye Awards for Recruitment Innovation to Engage London. These awards honor the people and organisations who have transformed their businesses through innovation and excellence in recruitment, leadership, and technology. This fun, engaging ceremony will celebrate the outstanding accomplishments and people that are bringing the future of recruitment to life, today.

Vinda Souza


Michelle Watson

The Watson Works

Tara Ricks

Elite Squared

Gary King

The Global Recruiter

10:00 - 10:45

Networking Break

10:45 - 11:30

Breakout Sessions
The State of VMS in Europe: Adoption, Opportunities, Challenges
Location: Palace Suite
In the thirty years that Tim O'Brien has been in the recruitment industry, technology has grown in importance from almost non-existent to absolutely prerequisite. Mostly, these advances have delivered greater efficiency for candidates, clients, and agencies alike. However, in recent times, larger client organisations have increasingly adopted Vendor Management Systems with a dramatic effect on agencies relationships, margins, and work processes. This session explores the current state of VMS and what it could mean for agencies in the UK and Europe.
M&A and Exit Strategies for Recruitment Firms
Location: Windsor Suite
With more than 400 M&A transactions in recruitment in the past year alone, the road to a profitable exit for recruitment agency owners is both lucrative and complex. There are the intangible ramifications of exit strategies, especially as it pertains to the impact on employees and customers, but first and foremost there’s the brass tax of numbers. Paul Staples of Deloitte will discuss the economic landscape for recruitment M&A and identify the areas of consideration that should be top of mind for owners and executives.
Fireside Chat: Cooperative Intelligence: Working Together to Tackle Industry Challenges
Location: King's Suite
Phillip Ullmann of Cordant Group is a force to be reckoned with, and has pioneered a new methodology for business success - one that leverages collective learnings, industry best practices, and a willingness to collaborate with your competitors in order to thrive and grow. It may seem like an altruistic mindset altogether incongruous with a notoriously competitive recruitment industry, but as Phillip will explain, it can be utterly transformative. Join this fireside chat between Bullhorn’s Andy Ingham and Cordant Group’s Phillip Ullmann to change your perspective on “co-opetition.”

11:45 - 12:30

Breakout Sessions
Low-Hanging Fruit: Making the Most of Your Existing Bullhorn Investment
Location: Palace Suite
Maximise the value of your Bullhorn platform by taking a glimpse at some of the product features you may have never known existed.To ensure that you are benefiting from your current Bullhorn investment, we will dive into how Bullhorn can become a catalyst to support new processes and business change. We will demonstrate all the new and existing features that you may have previously overlooked, so that you and your team can take some real-life functionality back to the office with you. With interactive voting and a live product run through, this fun and hands-on session will unlock the true potential of your existing Bullhorn system.
The Staffing Industry has the Reputation it Deserves
Location: Windsor Suite
What do people think of when they hear the term “staffing industry,” and is it fair? This is the question we seek to answer in a lively, impassioned Crossfire-style debate between Ann Swain of APSCo and John Nurthen of Staffing Industry Analysts. One of these two experts will argue the affirmative, the other will argue the negative, and the inevitable eruption of flames will be quelled by moderator Vinda Souza of Bullhorn. This session is unique and sure to be incredibly good, informative fun! Key takeaways will include answering the questions of, what do clients and candidates think about staffing firms? What can be done to improve the industry’s reputation? And what best practices can we collectively support to put our best foot forward?
Increased Efficiency, Reduced Cost: Running a More Profitable Recruitment Agency.
Location: King's Suite
It seems as though every year competition increases, profit margin decreases, regulations skyrocket, and access to top talent dwindles. How does an agency grow and advance when the room shrinks and the waters rise? Join a group of seasoned enterprise recruitment leaders who have successfully navigated these challenges to increase their companies’ profitability, doing more with less, and making more money because of it.

12:30 - 13:30

Breakouts V

13:30 - 14:30

General Session
Marketplace Partners Speed Pitch
Location: General Session Hall: King's Suite

Andy Ingham


14:45 - 15:30

Breakout Sessions
Bullhorn Platform: Newest Features and What’s Coming Soon
Location: Palace Suite
The Bullhorn product team works to continually introduce new ways for customers to interact with the Bullhorn platform. Through a technology foundation that incorporates industry-leading personalization, automation, and artificial intelligence, as well as deeper collaboration, the Bullhorn platform helps users maximize their productivity and effectiveness. Join Bullhorn’s Mitesh Ashar and Jake Kaya as they showcase the latest innovations coming down the pike, including Bullhorn’s new mobile app, front office enhancements, and operational improvements.
The impact of AI on the workforce
Location: Windsor Suite
Numerous institutions, from PwC to Gartner, have argued that artificial intelligence will have a net positive impact on the job creation - that for the millions of jobs that will be eliminated by large-scale adoption of AI-enabled technologies, there will be at least slightly more created to optimise for new human skill sets. But how does this really break down as far as your candidate engagement strategy, and the recruiters in your organization? Join Manpower’s Stacey Force for an exploration of the impact of AI on recruiting, on the global workforce, and on the future trajectory of your agency.
Navigating the Cultural Divide: Talent Mobility and Regional Business Challenges
Location: King's Suite
“Europe” is a curious term - a unified landmass that is comprised of wildly different workforces, languages, legislative mandates, regulatory environments, and cultural norms. The diversity of the region is its one of its greatest assets, but successfully navigating the intricacies therein is not always cut-and-dry. This panel will focus on the challenges inherent to managing cross-cultural workforces and businesses that operate across different geographic regions, especially in a climate of political and economic change.

15:45 - 16:30

General Session
Paula Radcliffe Keynote
Location: General Session Hall: King's Suite
To call Paula Radcliffe, MBE, a legend, would frankly border on understatement. She is the most celebrated female distance runner of all time, the woman's marathon world record holder, an English Olympian, and three-time winner of the London and New York marathons, respectively. She is to distance running what Babe Zaharias is to golf and what Serena Williams is to tennis: she defines the sport. But in a testament to our Engage theme, the Power of People, Paula is first and foremost a human being. She is a mother and a leader and a striver, and is keenly aware of both the limits of human potential, as well as how to absolutely destroy those limits and leave them in the dust. Join us as Paula shares her experience in breaking through the wall of exhaustion and doubt, and hear her informative and entertaining Q&A with Bullhorn's own Peter Linas. The "Pete and Paula" show is a can't-miss dialogue!

Paula Radcliffe

Peter Linas


16:30 - 17:30

Drinks Reception