
Hear from Bullhorn leaders, choose from dozens of regionally-specific and product-specific sessions, arrange one-to-one meetings with Marketplace partners and Bullhorn experts, and network with like-minded recruitment professionals through engaging roundtable discussions.

Breakout Session Tracks

Thursday 5th November 2020

9:00 GMT | 10:00 CET

Conference Opens

9:30 GMT | 10:30 CET

Welcome from Founder and CEO, Art Papas

9:40-10:15 GMT | 10:40-11:15 CET

General Session
Vision For Innovation with Matt Fischer, Bullhorn President and CTO

Join Bullhorn President and CTO Matt Fischer and key members of the Bullhorn product team for the Vision for Innovation presentation. This must-see keynote showcases both the immediate roadmap and aspirational advancements in Bullhorn’s product lineup to help you drive better engagement, productivity, and growth. Matt will share Bullhorn’s strategic vision for helping companies continue to innovate, differentiate, and stay ahead of the competition.


Matt Fischer


10:15-11:00 GMT | 11:15-12:00 CET

General Session
Marketplace Speed Pitch

Technology is driving recruitment industry innovation but most agencies don’t take advantage of all the solutions at their disposal within the Bullhorn recruitment ecosystem. In this session, you’ll learn how to leverage the Bullhorn platform and partner solutions, without being a technology expert, to drive success, and increase your profitability.


Shaun Weise


11:00-12:15 GMT | 12:00-13:15 CET

Bullhorn Community
Roundtable Discussions, Networking with Marketplace Partners, Product Tours and Masterclasses

Roundtables: Join discussions with other recruitment professionals from around Europe on all the hot topics impacting recruiting right now.

Marketplace Partners: Meet with our Marketplace partners, and discover how to build an integrated technology stack to set your business apart.

Product Tours: Get up-close with the Bullhorn product portfolio and see how you can take your business to the next level. Join our Solutions Consultants team for interactive demonstration sessions of the best of Bullhorn.

Masterclasses: Get the most out of the Bullhorn products you use today – with tips, tricks, and best practices presented by our product experts.

12:15-13:00 GMT | 13:15-14:00 CET

Breakout Session
How the Economy Really Works - and the Next Two Years
Track: UK & I Regional Outlook (English)

Roger Martin-Fagg, a leading behavioural economist, will use up-to-the-minute macroeconomic data to educate us all on why the next two years will be ‘much better than the media tells us’! You’ll learn what money is, how it is created and why there is going to be an inflationary boom. You’ll hear how COVID-19 has increased structural unemployment which actually means positive moves for productivity gains and consumer confidence. You’ll come away more able to accurately assess the risks and opportunities for yourselves and your business in the upcoming year.

Resilience in Turbulent Times and Strategies to Recover | Résilience en période de turbulence et stratégies de rétablissement.
Track: French Regional Outlook (French)

Transformation is often a buzzword thrown around, but what does it really mean and what does it look like in practice? Most importantly, how can it help you be more resilient in turbulent times and quicker to recover as the economy moves?

Join us for a discussion designed to leave you with insights to take back to your business on how you can effectively future-proof yourself against what might lie ahead. We’ll talk to expert panelists who will share real-life examples of the changes they’ve implemented (both from a strategy and technology perspective) as well their approach to organisational structure and adoption to ensure these changes deliver the resilience and ‘bounce-back-ability’ that drives results.


Rejoignez-nous pour une discussion conçue pour vous donner des idées de réflexions dans votre entreprise sur la façon dont vous pouvez efficacement vous protéger pour l’avenir contre ce qui pourrait vous arriver. Nous parlerons à  des panélistes experts qui partageront des exemples concrets de changements qu’ils ont mis en œuvre (à  la fois d’un point de vue stratégique et technologique) ainsi que de leur approche de la structure organisationnelle et de leur adoption pour garantir que ces changements apportent la résilience et les capacités de rétablissement qui vous conduira aux résultats souhaités.

Success for Staffing in the New Post COVID-19 World | Voor flexsucces in de nieuwe post-corona wereld
Track: Benelux Regional Outlook (Dutch)

The Benelux recruitment industry had already been confronted with big challenges even before the COVID-19 crisis hit; the four big waves of the 4th Industrial Revolution: demographics, deglobalisation, sustainability and digitisation. Lockdown then saw the industry shrink by an unprecedented 17%. COVID-19 may have put the world temporarily on pause, but it now turbo-charges a new future. The expectation is that companies, business models, jobs, and professions will rapidly disappear, change, or appear. In this session we will look at concrete trends and possibilities and what the next steps are for the recruitment industry. You will leave better prepared for the next two years and with new insight into a world of possibility.

De flexbranche werd voor de corona-crisis al met grote uitdagingen geconfronteerd, en kromp vervolgens vanwege de lockdown met een niet eerder vertoonde 17%. Als in 2021 de economie weer gaat groeien, zal bij werkgevers, zoals gebruikelijk bij herstel, een sterke flexvraag naar uitzend- en detacheringskrachten ontstaan. Maar de WAB heeft flexwerk duurder gemaakt, met mogelijk juist een drukkend effect op de flexvraag. En dan hebben we nog de 4 grote golven van de 4e Industriële Revolutie: demografie, deglobalisering, duurzaamheid en digitalisering. Hun impact zal enorm zijn: bedrijven, businessmodellen, banen en beroepen gaan in een hoog tempo verdwijnen, veranderen of verschijnen.

Corona heeft de wereld even in pauzestand gezet, maar zet nu de turbo op een nieuwe toekomst. In deze breakout-sessie gaan we op zoek naar de concrete trends én mogelijkheden en eerste stappen voor uitzend- en detacheringsbureaus.

The Germany Recruitment Industry – Review and Outlook | Die deutsche Personalvermittlungsbranche – Rückblick und Ausblick
Track: DACH Regional Outlook (German)

The German recruitment market is one of the largest in Europe. Of course, companies operating in the DACH region are affected by global trends and developments in the areas of digitisation, automation, Brexit, and COVID-19, but there are also numerous country-specific aspects. These include the strong orientation of the personnel services industry towards the automotive and manufacturing industries, the new regulations for temporary employment in 2017, the shortage of skilled workers with IT-related qualifications, and digitisation challenges for the business.
The 2020s will be challenging for many companies, but where there is change, there is also opportunity – and our studies can prove this. In this presentation, you will receive a comprehensive market overview of customer and provider groups as well as forecasts and information on which topics are currently affecting HR service companies!

Der deutsche Personalvermittlungsmarkt zählt zu einem der größten in Europa. Selbstverständlich beschäftigen die hier tätigen Unternehmen globale Trends und Entwicklungen rund um Digitalisierung, Automatisierung, Brexit und Covid-19, allerdings gibt es auch zahlreiche landesspezifische Besonderheiten. Hierzu zählen die starke Ausrichtung der Personaldienstleistungsbranche auf die Automobilindustrie und das verarbeitende Gewerbe, die Neuregelung der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung 2017, der Fachkräftemangel im Bereich IT-naher Qualifikationen sowie Herausforderungen bei der Digitalisierung des eigenen Geschäfts.
Die 2020er Jahre werden herausfordernd für viele Unternehmen sein, aber wo Wandel ist, gibt es auch Chancen – das zeigen unsere Studien. In diesem Vortrag erhalten Sie einen kompakten Marktüberblick über Kunden- und Anbietergruppen sowie Prognosen und Informationen dazu, welche Themen Personaldienstleistungsunternehmen derzeit bewegen!

Welcome Keynote: To Invenias and Beyond!
Track: Executive Search Track

Invenias is a key pillar of Bullhorn’s success, leading the market in Retained Executive Search. As we celebrate two years in the Bullhorn family, join Jonathan Novich, Invenias General Manager & SVP Product, for a welcome to EngageX Europe, a review of our strategy for Invenias, and a look into exciting plans for supporting your business into the future.

Automation and the New World of Work
Track: Bullhorn Product Track

The world is changing more quickly now—possibly than ever before. The great news is that the tools to be responsive to this change already exist and can give you the power to emerge as a leader in the new world of work. This session will cover how agencies are leveraging automation to make their teams more productive, create a better experience for their candidates and clients, and increase the bottom line.

Bullhorn on Salesforce: What’s New
Track: Salesforce Product Track

In this session, we introduce a few new things we have been working on in the Bullhorn on Salesforce world. We are joined by a special guest, Shereen van Lierop from Textkernel, to highlight the new integration between the latest offering of Textkernel and Bullhorn for Salesforce.


13:00-13:15 GMT | 14:00-14:15 CET


13:15-14:00 GMT | 14:15-15:00 CET

Breakout Session
The Power of Automation and How It Can Help You Prepare for 2021
Track: UK & I Regional Outlook (English)

Everyone is talking about how automation is crucial “in these times” but how do you actually make it work for you? Our panel of experts will discuss how they made automation a key part of their strategy and share the quick wins they’ve seen along the way. You’ll leave this session with real-life examples of how automation can drive stronger candidate and client engagement, maintain data health, and remove busywork from the day-to-day.

Building for the Future: Marketing’s Role in Driving Sales and Recruitment Activity | Préparer l’avenir: le rôle du marketing dans la stimulation des activités de la vente et du recrutement
Track: French Regional Outlook (French)

Before COVID, there were already significant shifts to reaching candidates and clients via digital channels. However, the need to reassess marketing strategies and tactics has taken priority for many leaders in this more remote world, including getting a strong ROI from all efforts, online and offline. In this session, French marketing leaders will share their view on the top marketing priorities today, aligning marketing tactics to sales and recruitment goals, leveraging digital tools, and sharing best practices on how they’re building marketing plans to deliver in this changing environment.

Avant COVID-19, des changements importants étaient déjà notables dans la manière de contacter candidats et clients via les canaux digitaux. Cependant, la nécessité de réévaluer les stratégies et tactiques marketing a pris la priorité pour de nombreux leaders dans ce monde plus éloigné, y compris l’obtention d’un retour sur investissement fort de tous les efforts, en ligne et hors ligne. Au cours de cette session, les responsables marketing français partageront leur point de vue sur les principales priorités marketing d’aujourd’hui, en alignant les tactiques marketing sur les objectifs de vente et du recrutement, en tirant parti des outils digitaux et en partageant les meilleures pratiques sur la manière dont ils élaborent des plans marketing pour répondre à cet environnement en constante évolution.

The Recruiter in 2022 | De bemiddelaar anno 2022
Track: Benelux Regional Outlook (Dutch)

The recruitment world is continually in motion. The changing labour market, changing legislation, and all the possibilities that recruitment technology offers ensure that things are constantly evolving, and we need to keep up. Recruitment expert Hans Scheers, partner at Experts in Flex, will discuss the role that agencies need to take in these upcoming years in order to stay successful. In his dynamic session, he will also review the way that technology can support business processes in 2022 and beyond.

De wereld van personeelsbemiddelaars is continu in beweging. Een veranderende arbeidsmarkt, steeds wijzigende wet- en regelgeving en de mogelijkheden die (recruitment) technologie biedt, maken dat we continu in beweging zijn. Recruitment expert Hans Scheers – partner bij Experts in Flex – neemt je mee in de rol die je als bureau moet innemen om ook de komende jaren succesvol te blijven. In zijn dynamische sessie zal tevens veel aandacht zijn voor de manier waarop technologie het bedrijfsproces anno 2022 kan ondersteunen.

Driving Successful Digital Transformation | Die digitale Transformation erfolgreich vorantreiben
Track: DACH Regional Outlook (German)

Digital transformation is often a buzzword thrown around, but what is it really? What does it look like in practice? And how do you actually drive change throughout an organisation? Join us for a discussion focused on the more practical aspects of digital transformation adoption designed to leave you with actionable next steps to take back to your business. We’ll go under the hood with a few expert panelists (“changemakers”) who will share real life examples of the changes they’ve implemented (both from a process and technology perspective) as well their approach to organisational structure and adoption to ensure these changes last and ultimately drive results.

Die digitale Transformation wird gefühlt oft als Buzzword verwendet, aber was bedeutet sie wirklich? Wie sieht sie in der Praxis aus? Und wie kann man tatsächlich Veränderungen innerhalb einer Organisation vorantreiben? Begleiten Sie uns bei einer spannenden Diskussion, die sich vorrangig auf die praktischen Aspekte der Einführung der digitalen Transformation fokussiert und nehmen Sie umsetzbare nächste Schritte für Ihr Unternehmen mit nach Hause. In dieser Panel-Diskussion gehen wir in den Dialog mit einigen Experten bzw. “Changemakern”, die Ihnen Beispiele aus dem echten Leben mitbringen zu den Veränderungen, die sie selbst implementiert haben, und zwar sowohl auf der Prozess- als auch auf der Technologieebene. Zudem während sie in dieser Session auch Ihre Ansätze zur Organisationsstruktur und Einführung mit Ihnen teilen, damit Ihre Veränderungen Ihnen langfristig Erfolg bringen werden.

Leadership Recruiting: Trends and Priorities
Track: Executive Search Track

With the global business landscape experiencing challenges never seen before in the political and business landscape including COVID-19, preparation for Brexit and global movements on inclusion – strong leadership has never been more critical. Join Simon Mullins, head of the corporate executive recruiting network, ESIX, for a look at the latest trends impacting business and priorities for leadership recruiting based on their research and insights.

Bullhorn Platform: Latest and Greatest Releases
Track: Bullhorn Product Track

It has been yet another exciting year with several updates across the Bullhorn platform. Join the session hosted by Mitesh Ashar, SVP of Product Management and Tamar Epstein, VP Product Management to learn about the new and exciting things you may have missed throughout the year and get a sneak peek into what’s next!

Leveraging Salesforce Extensibility for Success
Track: Salesforce Product Track

In this session, you’ll learn about how our Salesforce applications – Bullhorn for Salesforce, Connexys, and Jobscience – can be extended to help you achieve your strategic goals. Hear from our SI partners and Professional Services employees as they share real-life examples of how clients have maximised their Salesforce investment by extending the platform.


14:00-14:15 GMT | 15:00-15:15 CET


14:15-15:00 GMT | 15:15-16:00 CET

Breakout Session
Recruitment in a Post-COVID World
Track: UK & I Regional Outlook (English)

2020 has been an unprecedented year and Recruitment businesses have had to adjust rapidly to adapt to dramatic shifts in demand as the global pandemic has upended employment all around the world. Earlier this year, executives from three major recruitment agencies, Adecco, ManpowerGroup and Randstad, collaborated with the World Employment Confederation (WEC) on a guide to returning safely to work. With a number of promising vaccine candidates now on the horizon, recruitment businesses must turn their focus from “Back to Work” to “Back to New Normal” in a post-COVID environment.

Leading Through Change | Leiden tijdens verandering
Track: Benelux Regional Outlook (Dutch)

Join in on a conversation with global staffing executive Dinette Koolhaas, SVP & President, Kelly International, as she discusses how to lead transformational change in all aspects of business. From company culture to business processes to technology, Dinette will share how to build a model for what’s next in recruitment.

Een interactieve discussie met global staffing Executive, Dinette Koolhaas, President, International bij Kelly Services, over hoe je succesvol veranderingen kunt implementeren binnen een organisatie. Van organisatiecultuur tot zakelijke processen tot technologie, Dinette deelt in haar sessie hoe je aan een model kunt bouwen om je voor te bereiden op de toekomst van recruitment.

How do men and women behave differently in management positions? | Welche Verhaltensunterschiede gibt es zwischen Frauen und Männern in Führungspositionen?
Track: DACH Regional Outlook (German)

Join us for a fireside chat with Melanie Vinci, Executive Board Member, persona service AG & Co. KG and Andree Westermann, CEO of GVO Personal, as they discuss how men and women operate in management; how their attitudes to teamwork, emotionality, and self-promotion are similar and/or different.

They will also outline the conflict that often occurs between the existing concept of leadership and the way women perceive leadership roles with examples of how this can manifest in the staffing workplace. Learn how, as a leader managing a workforce, you can navigate the subtleties of these differences and manage diversity to deliver the best results.

Kommen Sie zu unserem Fireside Chat mit Melanie Vinci, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung, persona service AG & Co. KG und Andree Westermann, CEO of GVO Personal GmbH und erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Männer und Frauen sich in Führungspositionen verhalten und an welchen Stellen Ihre Einstellung zu Teamarbeit, Emotionalität und Selbstvermarktung sich ähneln und/oder unterscheiden.

Des weiteren werden Konflikte erörtert, die oft entstehen zwischen dem weit verbreiteten Konzept von Führung und der Art, wie Frauen Führungspositionen verstehen. Zudem werden wir anhand von Beispielen aufzeigen inwiefern sich diese Faktoren auf die Personalbeschaffungsbranche auswirken. Lernen Sie, wie Sie die subtilen Unterschiede als Führungskraft mit Personalverantwortung einsetzen können, um Diversität möglichst gewinnbringend in Ihrem Unternehmen zu nutzen.

The Power of a Diverse Leadership Team
Track: Executive Search Track

Important for workforces and leadership at all levels, companies that are embracing a diverse workforce are leading on a balanced scorecard of engagement and bottomline performance. Adriana Quevedo from Intel has experienced this first hand in her role as Head of Executive Search at Intel. Join her for insights on the deciding factors and challenges faced by Intel as they tackled D&I, as well as insights into how Intel looks at executive appointments and the role D&I plays within this.

What's in Your Tech Stack
Track: Bullhorn Product Track

With so many technology providers in the recruitment space, it can be difficult to find the technologies that are right for you, your recruiters, and your very unique workflows and business processes. Learn first-hand from our panel to see how they’re leveraging technologies to build out their ecosystem to grow their recruitment business.

Recruitment-specific Automation with Herefish on Salesforce
Track: Salesforce Product Track

In this session we introduce Herefish by Bullhorn – a recruitment-specific automation tool agencies of all sizes can use for candidate and client engagement to unlock new levels of productivity, improving the quality and richness of ATS data, and ensuring a consistent candidate experience throughout the recruiting lifecycle.


15:00 - 15:45 GMT | 16:00 - 16:45 CET

General Session
The Road to Recovery: A Fireside Chat with World Employment Confederation President, Bettina Schaller Bossert

We’re thrilled to bring the lessons learned and forward looking discussions had over the course of the day full circle with a session with the newly elected president of the World Employment Confederation, Bettina Schaller Bossert. Listen in to this fireside chat between Leah McKelvey, RVP of Enterprise EMEA at Bullhorn, and Bettina as they explore what the ‘new world of work’ really looks like, the outlook on how prepared Europe on the whole is compared to its global counterparts and the role agencies can play in this environment. Bettina will also share practical examples of how recruitment leaders are moving the needle when it comes to adapting specific social and economic systems within their own businesses to this new world of work.


Leah McKelvey


Bettina Schaller Bossert

World Employment Confederation

15:00-16:30 GMT | 16:00-17:30 CET

Bullhorn Community
Roundtable Discussions, Networking with Marketplace Partners, Product Tours and Masterclasses

Roundtables: Join discussions with other recruitment professionals from around Europe on all the hot topics impacting recruiting right now.

Marketplace Partners: Meet with our Marketplace partners, and discover how to build an integrated technology stack to set your business apart.

Product Tours: Get up-close with the Bullhorn product portfolio and see how you can take your business to the next level. Join our Solutions Consultants team for interactive demonstration sessions of the best of Bullhorn.

Masterclasses: Get the most out of the Bullhorn products you use today – with tips, tricks, and best practices presented by our product experts.

16:30 GMT | 17:30 CET

Conference Concludes