Hans Scheers
Partner, Experts in Flex
Hans Scheers, Partner at Experts in Flex, has been working in the recruitment industry for over 25 years.
As Master in Business Economics / Marketing, he started working in the Dutch temporary employment market in 1994.
In the first years, he held various managerial positions. After that, he became responsible for Marketing and Communication of a number of medium-sized specialized secondment companies (Maintec, Teqoia and Oceanwide, all part of the Humares Group, now TecqGroep). In this broad position, he has been involved in establishing (new) brands, setting up recruitment processes and in several innovative initiatives.
From 2018 he is active as an independent professional, helping flex companies improve their recruitment. Selecting and implementation of recruitment technology for recruitment companies is Hans’ key focus.
Beside his consultancy activities, Hans is regularly active as speaker and blogger.
Speaker Sessions
14:00-14:45 GMT | 15:00-15:45 CET
The Recruiter in 2022 | De bemiddelaar anno 2022
The recruitment world is continually in motion. The changing labour market, changing legislation, and all the possibilities that recruitment technology offers ensure that things are constantly evolving, and we need to keep up. Recruitment expert Hans Scheers, partner at Experts in Flex, will discuss the role that agencies need to take in these upcoming years in order to stay successful. In his dynamic session, he will also review the way that technology can support business processes in 2022 and beyond.
De wereld van personeelsbemiddelaars is continu in beweging. Een veranderende arbeidsmarkt, steeds wijzigende wet- en regelgeving en de mogelijkheden die (recruitment) technologie biedt, maken dat we continu in beweging zijn. Recruitment expert Hans Scheers – partner bij Experts in Flex – neemt je mee in de rol die je als bureau moet innemen om ook de komende jaren succesvol te blijven. In zijn dynamische sessie zal tevens veel aandacht zijn voor de manier waarop technologie het bedrijfsproces anno 2022 kan ondersteunen.