Stijn Wijndaele
Managing Partner, Scalefactory
Stijn Wijndaele started of his career at Nomadesk. He then went on to join Cloudfounders, a private cloud solution for SMB’s. After 10 years being part of the #tech startup-scene, he took the leap to the business side and started of a Mobile Business unit. From there he joined the House of HR organisation where he became IT director of Accent. His main goal was to introduce a mobile first strategy in order to further accelerate the digitalisation of the House and it’s companies.
Today Stijn is the managing partner of Scalefactory. Scalefactory helps HR companies to digitise their journey from candidate to cash using the salesforce technology such as the bullhorn solutions.
One of the realisations he is the most proud of is the co-realisation of GIGHOUSE – the airbnb platform for freelancers.
Speaker Sessions
12:30 - 1:10 BST | 1:30 - 2:10 CET
Succes Met Flex in de Radicale Jaren ’20: Transformeer Naar Flexbureau 4.0 | Success with Flexwork in the Radical 2020's: Transforming to a Flex Agency
Voor corona stond de flexbranche voor grote uitdagingen, om maar een super-kwartet te noemen: krapte, digitalisering, platformisering en wet- en regelgeving. Toen zette corona grote delen van onze economie stil – en de turbo op de ontwrichtend nieuwe toekomst: die van de 4e Industriële Revolutie (4IR). Okee, sinds afgelopen voorjaar is er op bijna alle fronten stevig herstel zichtbaar, maar wat zijn nu de verwachtingen voor 2022 en verder? Na een wrap-up van de bijzondere, historisch unieke stand van flex-zaken en een update van de 4 grote golven van de 4IR zoomen we in op twee grote vragen: Wat zijn de nieuwe mogelijkheden voor uitzend- en detacheringsbureaus? En hoe transformeer je naar dat flexbureau 4.0 – helemaal klaar voor succes in de 4IR?
Before COVID-19, the flex industry faced major challenges, to name a super-quartet: tightness, digitisation, platformisation, and legislation and regulation. Then COVID-19 shut down large parts of our economy and turbocharged the disruptive new future: the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Since last spring, there has been a solid recovery on almost all fronts, but what are the expectations now for 2022 and beyond? After a wrap-up of the special, historically unique state of flex business and an update on the four major waves of the 4IR, we zoom in on two big questions: what are the new opportunities for temp and staffing agencies, and how do you transform into that flex agency 4.0 – all set for success in the 4IR?