Rhys Bateman
Senior Director, Global Demand Generation, Bullhorn
Rhys is a Director of Global Demand Generation at Bullhorn, leading a team of marketers around the globe in engaging with Bullhorn’s customers and the wider recruitment sector on their digital transformation journey.
Since joining Bullhorn, Rhys has been focused on bringing Bullhorn’s automation and engagement solutions to market, as well as expanding our market efforts through our international markets.
Prior to joining Bullhorn he worked in recruitment marketing, as well holding roles with some of the largest technology companies in Australasia and the UK.
Speaker Sessions
3:10 PM - 3:50 PM
Marketing Leaders Tell All: Talent Engagement Strategies to Win
For every second spent completing a manual admin task, time is lost which could have been spent interviewing candidates. For every view burned on a job board, candidates are lying untouched in your database. For every candidate placed, several more were viewed on job boards but never made it into your database.
As the race for talent explodes, how will marketing play a key role in your recruiting efforts? How is your marketing budget going to deliver the results your business needs? Understanding how marketing fits into your business workflows will help you make valuable decisions that will drive a better return on your technology investments. Join us for a panel discussion that will take a deep dive into the key strategies you need in your marketing plan to deliver the best results.