Tyson McNeilly
Chief Executive Officer, Fuse Recruitment
Tyson is CEO and Co-Founder of Fuse Recruitment. After completing a degree in Science and originally commencing his career in Environmental Chemistry, Tyson quickly realised his passion for people and co-founded Fuse at 26.
Since its inception, Tyson has been responsible for driving operational excellence through a results-driven approach at all levels of the business including hiring, technology and performance management.
Significant year-on-year organic growth has enabled the expansion of the business nationally, and more recently a strong acquisition pipeline of complementary recruitment businesses.
Tyson is an active member of his university alumni, regularly speaking to graduates at various campuses throughout QLD. He has also been pivotal in Fuse’s highly successful Intern program, enabling critical pathways to university graduates around the country.
Speaker Sessions
9:40 AM - 10:30 AM
Opening Keynote - Meeting The Moment with Bullhorn’s Vice President, Product Marketing Jeff Neumann
Grand Ballroom
Over the last 12+ months, the recruitment industry has experienced an unprecedented rate of change. Fueled by the global pandemic, agencies are being forced to shift to a digital first strategy, fundamentally changing the way you need to interact with clients, candidates, and internal staff. The challenge is real….but with every challenge comes opportunity. An opportunity for you to transform, an opportunity for you to Meet The Moment.
In this year’s Engage Sydney 2022 opening keynote address, Bullhorn’s VP of Product Marketing Jeff Neumann will explore why it’s vital to meet this moment and how you can transform your business to meet – or exceed – the needs of your teams, talent, and clients in 2022 and beyond.