Copy of Martin Hayden
Chief Operating Officer, Hudson
I am a senior executive with deep experience across all areas of business – finance, technology, organisation, marketing and sales, strategy, M&A and corporate governance. I have run operations across ANZ and Asia and overseen investments in markets ranging from China, India and Africa.
I am passionate about how new technology is evolving business models and improving outcomes for customers, particularly in human capital markets.
I joined Hudson in 2018 as a co-owner, after the team completed a management buy-out of the Asia Pacific Specialist Recruitment and Talent Management business, making it the largest privately-owned talent solutions company in Asia Pacific.
Prior to joining Hudson, I had +15 years of experience as a C-level Executive and Strategy / M&A professional for ASX top 50, Tier 1 strategy consulting and private equity as well as sitting on several Boards for both startups and established companies
We are on an exciting journey transforming to a portfolio of separate businesses each aligned to meeting specific customer needs and evolving business models in a number to be technology first.