Simon Mullins
Chief Facilitator , ESIX: The Executive Search Information Exchange
Simon Mullins has been a recruiter and recruiting leader for almost his entire career—he even started a recruiting agency while a student at university. He has lived and worked in Europe, Asia, and the US (on both coasts), for startups and as a leader at a Fortune 50 company.
Simon has managed executive search from “the outside” as a Partner at Korn Ferry. At Microsoft, he led one of the most advanced internal corporate executive recruiting functions, as well as its largest experienced-hire staffing group.
After beginning his recruiting career in London, Simon moved to Hong Kong to recruit for clients in the technology industry. He joined Korn Ferry in Boston and spent seven years there and in Silicon Valley.
In 2004, Simon joined Microsoft’s Executive Recruiting Team, which he led from 2006 to 2013, eventually becoming Senior Director of the company. The team became highly integrated with Microsoft’s succession planning process and was responsible for all external hiring of the company’s most impactful executives, including board directors.
In 2013, Simon was asked to become Senior Director of Staffing of Microsoft’s largest experienced staffing team, serving the Applications and Services Group.
In 2014, Simon joined the Executive Search Information Exchange (ESIX) and now leads and facilitates the group. ESIX (esix.org), funded entirely by hiring organizations, is the world’s leading independent information source for corporate executive recruiting leaders.
Simon is a frequent speaker at industry forums and was an ESIX Advisory Board member from 2007 to 2012.
He holds an honors degree in economics and public administration from the University of London.
Find Simon on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonmullins/ or write to him at Simon@ESIX.org.
Speaker Sessions
13:15 - 14:00 GMT | 14:15-15:00 CET
Executive Search: The Path to Success in 2021
With the global business landscape experiencing challenges never seen before in the political and business landscape – including COVID-19, preparation for Brexit, and global movements on inclusion – strong leadership has never been more critical. Join Simon Mullins, head of the corporate executive recruiting network, ESIX, for a look at the latest trends impacting business and priorities for leadership recruiting based on their research and insights.