Mathieu Libessart
Strategic Partnerships Director, Sthree
Mathieu joined Sthree after graduating in International Business,through one of its major Brands: Progressive. Since 2004, as Director of Progressive France, he has been focusing on the Freelance STEM markets and has an extensive knowledge of the Freelance market in France. He then moved into his new role in January 2020, as Strategic Partnerships Director for Sthree France focusing on making of Sthree the partner of choice and the leader of the Future of Work in France
Speaker Sessions
12:30-13:15 GMT | 13:30-14:15 CET
Resilience in Turbulent Times and Strategies to Recover | Résilience en période de turbulence et stratégies de rétablissement.
Transformation is often a buzzword thrown around, but what does it really mean and what does it look like in practice? Most importantly, how can it help you be more resilient in turbulent times and quicker to recover as the economy moves?
Join us for a discussion designed to leave you with insights to take back to your business on how you can effectively future-proof yourself against what might lie ahead. We’ll talk to expert panelists who will share real-life examples of the changes they’ve implemented (both from a strategy and technology perspective) as well their approach to organisational structure and adoption to ensure these changes deliver the resilience and ‘bounce-back-ability’ that drives results.
Rejoignez-nous pour une discussion conçue pour vous donner des idées de réflexions dans votre entreprise sur la façon dont vous pouvez efficacement vous protéger pour l’avenir contre ce qui pourrait vous arriver. Nous parlerons à des panélistes experts qui partageront des exemples concrets de changements qu’ils ont mis en œuvre (à la fois d’un point de vue stratégique et technologique) ainsi que de leur approche de la structure organisationnelle et de leur adoption pour garantir que ces changements apportent la résilience et les capacités de rétablissement qui vous conduira aux résultats souhaités.