Gert Leppers

Global Chief Digital Officer, Talent International

Gert Leppers is an experienced digital leader and the current Chief Digital Officer at Talent International, a global technology and digital recruitment company based in Sydney, Australia. With over two decades of experience in the digital technology space, Gert has held leadership roles at various digital agencies in the Netherlands and Australia before joining Talent in 2018.

At Talent, Gert is responsible for driving innovation and leading the company’s digital transformation. He’s passionate about automation, playing with new technology and creating digital products and services that are easy to use and offer real value to teams and customers. He played a key role in developing ENGAGE, a cloud-based platform that helps contractors manage their contracts, timesheets, and receive benefits and support.

Gert has an Economics degree from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). Living with his wife and three children on the shores of Lake Macquarie, he uses his weekly commute to Sydney to study for his MBA. Whenever he has any spare time between all of this, Gert enjoys building LEGO models, cycling, and listening to his record collection.

Speaker Sessions

3:10 - 3:50 PM

The Future of Work: Recruitment Technology Trends

For the past few years, digital transformation has established itself as a vital initiative across the recruitment industry. Whether agencies are faced with the growing need for top talent, or changing candidate and client expectations, it’s never been more crucial for businesses to future-proof themselves with high-performing teams and top technology. How can you build (or continue to develop) your plan for the future? What are the investments you should consider, given the increased importance on technology and automation? What kinds of processes and resources should you implement to grow your business?

In this session, recruitment experts will discuss the future of technology and trends to watch out for in the months and years ahead. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of what technologies are available, how you can manage team adoption of new tech, and the impact of technology on how your team performs.