Gordon Burnes
Chief Marketing Officer, Bullhorn
As CMO, Gordon Burnes directs the company’s marketing and business development efforts, including product marketing, demand generation, PR, branding, creative, and Bullhorn Marketplace. He brings a broad range of skills and experience to the company across the product, marketing, sales, and business development functions to help drive growth. Gordon was previously the IBM executive in charge of worldwide marketing for the Risk Analytics group, which became the leading provider in the industry over the course of his tenure. Prior to IBM, Gordon ran marketing and business development for OpenPages, which was acquired by IBM in 2010. Gordon has a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from Harvard College and an MBA from Columbia University.
Speaker Sessions
Tuesday, 10 September | 15:45 - 16:30
Leveraging Salesforce to Solve Business Challenges: Customer Perspective
King's Suite
It’s been several years since Bullhorn first embraced a multi-platform strategy and introduced Bullhorn for Salesforce, but the Salesforce platform has existed for as long as the Bullhorn platform - twenty years. Join us for an informative and insightful panel, moderated by Bullhorn’s Gordon Burnes, featuring executives from global enterprise recruitment firms who run their businesses on Salesforce to hear about their biggest challenges and how they’ve leveraged Bullhorn for Salesforce to resolve them.