Geraldine King
CEO, National Recruitment Federation
Geraldine joined the Federation in 2009 and is responsible for the running of the NRF office and all divisions of the Federation, including all PR & Marketing and internal communications. Since her arrival to the NRF she has been focused on expanding the services of the NRF to member and has introduced the accredited Certificate in recruitment practice to the Irish recruitment industry the only certificate for recruiters in Ireland. Her belief and vision is that the recruitment industry should be viewed as a profession and have a full academic career path, she has been instrumental in the success of the government award of the first undergraduate 3-year degree apprenticeship programme for recruiters in partnership with the National College of Ireland. She has also successfully led the NRF to obtain their own Skillnet which provides much needed reduced funded training for members.
In 2018 she was recognised by the Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) in the top 100 staffing leaders in Europe and the top 150 global women leaders.
Speaker Sessions
Tuesday, 10 September | 13:15 - 14:00
Investing in People: Fixing the Industry's Internal and External Reputation
Palace Suite
Dare we state the obvious, but recruitment has a pretty poor reputation with the observing public. One recent public opinion poll found that recruiters were deemed less trustworthy than politicians. Rather than have us all pack it in, how do we go about fixing the recruitment industry’s reputation? It turns out that change must start from within, and three of our industry’s most prolific (and gloriously opinionated) thought leaders will help us all see the light in this engaging, honest, and potentially humorous discussion.