Ursula Williams
Chief Operating Officer, Staffing Industry Analysts
Ursula Williams was appointed Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Staffing Industry Analysts in 2019. Williams is responsible for overseeing all of SIA’s commercial operations, corporate functions of marketing, communications, and technology operations. Prior to SIA COO, Williams served as EVP focusing on superior and innovative products and services for the staffing and the workforce solutions ecosystem. Williams led the creation and development of SIA’s award-winning conference, Collaboration in the Gig Economy, and in a rebrand to reflect SIA’s global growth and ongoing role in providing business intelligence, research, and insights across an increasingly dynamic and complex landscape. Williams joined SIA in 2015 as SVP of Global Strategy and Marketing and has over 25 years of industry leadership with extensive prior experience, holding senior executive positions at Randstad Professionals and Vedior, overseeing strategy, sales, and delivery for the largest contingent labor buyers in the division. She has also been responsible for field and corporate level operations, new product development, branding, web strategies and talent recruitment programs. Williams is a Council Member to the newly formed Staffing Leadership Council in the U.S., which is part of the Women’s Business Collaborative (WBC). The Council is committed to the acceleration of equitable and inclusive workplace environment is the Staffing Industry. She is also co-author of Together We Rise.
Speaker Sessions
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM
Future-Proofing Your Growth Through Diversification
If the pandemic and recent economic uncertainty have taught us anything, it’s that firms that readily adapt to challenges are most likely to win out over the competition. A key source of growth for many staffing firms has been diversifying their service offerings, including pivoting or opening new verticals to incorporate SOW, RPO, or Direct Sourcing models into their business. While many firms have taken advantage of the recent staffing industry acceleration, this rapid growth won’t last forever. How can you future-proof your business to ensure you continue to grow and succeed over your competitors? In this session, you’ll hear from a panel of industry leaders on how they’ve approached diversification in their own businesses and what other firms should be thinking about as they consider diversification as a growth strategy.