Shaun Weise
Regional Vice President, Bullhorn
Speaker Sessions
Tuesday, 10 September | 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM
Marketplace Speed Pitch
King's Suite
Technology is driving recruitment industry innovation but most agencies don’t take advantage of all the solutions at their disposal within the Bullhorn recruitment ecosystem. Learn how to leverage the Bullhorn platform and partner solutions, without being a technology expert, to drive success and increase your profitability. In this session you'll learn how to automate methods for maintaining quality candidate data and referring candidates, maintain a dialogue with clients without picking up the phone, and provide cutting-edge mobile apps that set you apart from the pack in engaging the best talent.
Wednesday, 11 September | 10:45 - 11:30
Investing in Innovation: Advice from the Players on the Pitch
Windsor Suite
It can be tempting to rely on what makes the recruitment industry great - trust and human relationships - and believe that our mastery of understanding people will always get us out of tricky situations, but ultimately, as any great recruitment leader will admit, an organisation must operate with a high degree of efficiency, focus, and creativity for competitive advantage. That starts with an acknowledgment of the need for - and a concerted investment in - innovation. Shaun Weise of Bullhorn will moderate a panel of recruitment visionaries who have all invested in practical innovations - from pursuing private equity backing to embracing emotional intelligence as a business strategy - to take their organisations to the next level, with huge degrees of success.