Julia Randell-Khan
CEO, Senior Fellow, Encore Global Program
Julia is a fellow at Stanford University’s Center on Longevity, working on an inter-disciplinary project – the “New Map of Life™”- and the transformative changes needed to address the challenges and opportunities presented by longer lives. This research builds on Julia’s experience at Stanford’s Distinguished Careers Institute – a mid-life career transition programme. Julia’s own transition is from 30+ years in international law firm practice and management at (now) Norton Rose Fulbright and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer to a career as a longevity entrepreneur and encore career advocate.
Together with Andrew Scott (professor of economics at the London Business School and co-author of The 100 Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity), she has co-founded Encore Fellows UK to bring Encore.org’s US based Encore Fellowships programme to the UK and promote the value that experienced workers at 50+ can offer to the social sector as part of an encore career.
Speaker Sessions
Wednesday, 11 September | 14:45 - 15:30
Live Long and Prosper: Older Workers as an Underutilised Talent Source
Palace Suite
Are you overlooking older workers as an incredible source of underutilised talent? It was never okay to be ageist in recruitment, but with the global shortage of talent, now is an especially foolish time to be breaking the law. A lawyer with more than 25 years of practise, Julia Randell-Khan is one of the world’s foremost experts in older workers, currently working at Stanford University’s Distinguished Careers Institute and serving as a Visiting Scholar at the Stanford Center for Longevity. Randell-Khan will break down the myths around older workers and provide advice on how you can leverage this tremendous fountain of talent.