Tim Wellmaker
Principal & Senior Director, eHire
Tim “Coach” Wellmaker is a 23-year veteran in the technology staffing and solutions industry. For most of Tim’s career he has recruited, trained and led high-performance technology recruiting teams. The ability to changes people’s lives for the better and help them achieve their maximum potential is what drives him daily.
Speaker Sessions
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM | Thursday, June 13th
Don’t Sell You, Sell Them: The Hidden Value of Community Engagement
Back Bay A & B, 2nd Floor
Growing a recruiting business and finding high quality talent is difficult in today’s economy. Your candidates have their pick of career choices and your competition is nipping at your heels every day. Tactics that worked 10 years ago are no longer effective, so you must challenge the status quo and adopt new approaches to growing your business. The solution to this conundrum is in your own backyard -- literally! In this session, you’ll have the opportunity to learn how to implement the very same Community First Engagement model that has helped eHire grow from $2 million to over $30 million in the past six years. In fact, Over 90% of our revenue in 2017 could be directly traced back to our engagement in the community. It’s a simple strategy that is difficult to implement since the return is not immediate. The approach is a long-term strategy and requires an investment in time, money and people. It demands executive endorsement and engagement and produces the maximum result when leaders pave the way through their community efforts. The proof of its efficacy is demonstrated through eHire’s results. In this session, you will learn how to: Give your employees and associates a meaningful way to engage, Help shape your client’s employment brand, Gain access to thought leaders, Articulate a value proposition and drive results / revenue