Charles Bernard
CEO, Criteria for Success
Charles Bernard, founder and CEO of Criteria for Success, Inc., helps CEOs bridge the gap between their vision for their company and their bottom line. Charles applies over 20 years of experience in direct sales, sales management, recruiting, and training to his growing consulting practice.
As a Senior Account Executive for General Electric, he was the top revenue producer in his division. He then founded the IBM DB2 software development consulting firm, Atlantis Vision Ltd, and later was a partner and Executive Director of Sales for one of New York’s first systems integrators, NETLAN, Inc.
Charles was born in Madrid, Spain and educated in Surrey, England.
Speaker Sessions
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM | Wednesday, June 12th
Super Session - Level Up: Six Degrees of Customer Relationships and How to Use Each to Your Advantage
Back Bay C & D, 2nd Floor
Developing strong client relationships is the backbone of any business. Understanding how client relationships work, and the roles they play, is extremely important. Experts in the sales and marketing realm use differing processes to define the status of client relationships. Some follow a standard “sales funnel” approach, while others use a “buyer’s journey.” And of course, some use both. We certainly see the value in a sales funnel approach from a sales end and a buyer’s journey from a marketing perspective. That’s why we use what we refer to as the “client evolution model.” It combines the best of both worlds: the activities needed by both teams to move a prospective client up the relationship chart. In today’s session, we’ll explore the six degrees of customer relationships and how to use each to your advantage. Takeaways: A model that drives selling, recruiting, marketing, forecasting, and operations. Clarity on where you’re focusing, time, energy, and resources to take your business to the next level. Heading off disconnects that occur between sales and the rest of the organization.