Art Papas
CEO, Bullhorn
Art Papas is the Founder and CEO of Bullhorn, Inc, the global leader in software for the staffing & recruitment industry. Art was the original architect of Bullhorn’s flagship Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, which now helps more than 8,000 companies around the world run their businesses. Art is the Chairman of the Board at Career Collaborative, an organization that teaches unemployed and underemployed adults how to build careers that change lives and strengthen families. In 2014, Ernst & Young named Art an EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award Winner in New England. Prior to starting Bullhorn, Art started his career as a software engineer at Thomson Reuters. Art is a graduate of Tufts University, holding a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics.
Speaker Sessions
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM | Thursday, June 13th
Art Papas Keynote
Grand Ballroom, 2nd Floor
There is no greater currency in recruiting than trust. Trust that only humans can provide. Trust that exists independent of, and potentially supported by, an increased reliance on powerful technology. But trust is the result of a confluence of important factors - incredible talent, excellent employers, and great matchmaking that enables recruiters to use their expertise and interpersonal intelligence to bring the right people together with the right opportunity. In this thought-provoking keynote address, Art Papas, Bullhorn’s founder and CEO, will answer the question: “how do you build trust?” and explore how the power of people - to transform their skills, their approach to working, and their relationships - will move our entire industry forward.